Seattle Refined Artist of the Week: Damascus Purnell

“Since I can remember, I've been involved with art, my mom always had me in classes and gave me access to different creative mediums. But I'd say around 9 or 10, I got really into recreating skateboard companies' logos, drawing anime characters and recreating my favorite album covers”


Every month, we invite a new artist to take the ThinkNW logo and make it their own. We asked artist Damascus Purnell, a Seattle-based Graphic Designer for University of Washington Intercollegiate Athletics for his take on the June logo.

The 11 Best Street Photographers in Portland

“Damascus Purnell III excels at capturing Portland in all types of weather conditions, from foggy days full of mystery and fairy-tale-like wonder, to rain-drenched sidewalks reflecting the lights of passing cars, and piercing, vibrant sunlight casting harsh shadows.”